California is stealing water
Want to water your grass?
Before you take out that garden hose – double check your state regulations.
Right now, California is placing restrictions on locals in order to conserve water. One includes limiting outdoor watering to once a week.
But is it helping?
Let’s check the data.
According to the State Water Resources Control Board, the South Coast Hydraulic region, which includes Los Angeles, has increased its water use by 25.6% percent since April 2020, the first year of the draught.
California is part of a group of states called the “basin states”, states that are in the drainage basin for the Colorado River. And this past year, California used 40% more water than it was allocated.
So, no, these restrictions are not helping. California is stealing our water with its terrible water policies.
If we don’t want Lake Mead and the Colorado River to become dead pool, we need California to step it up. In a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, Phoenix Democrat Greg Stanton stated, “For example, the state's Colorado River hydrologic region water use hasn't gone down--but actually increased nearly 41 percent in April 2022 compared to April 2020. California is also poised to not only use its entire water allocation in 2022 but withdraw additional water from Lake Mead above its allocation. In a time of historic drought, this is reckless and unacceptable."