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Despite the Economy, Google Customers are still breaking through

These days, Google has been an easy target for politicians. However, according to google’s customers, the company is providing them a great help in overcoming difficulties and keeping employees on the job. With a focus on working together, supporting growth, and driving innovation, Google is committing additional resources to help its partners adjust, and it is paying off.

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COVID Relief Funds Need More Transparency and Oversight

Fighting this pandemic has been extremely difficult. As a businesswoman and entrepreneur, I’ve seen firsthand the damage done and know I will remember these days for the rest of my life as some of my most strenuous and stressful. Too many innocent Arizonans have suffered, lost their businesses, or worse, lost their lives to this unyielding pandemic—so needless to say, I am ready for the days where we’ll be able to put this virus behind us.

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Vaccines and Cures are hurt by price controls

I’ve been an airline pilot for over 20 years. The industry has had its share of challenges during my career, but I’ve never seen anything like today. The threat of COVID-19 has caused a severe reduction in business and tourist travel. This holiday season, fewer people will be boarding a plane to visit family or friends.

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