Organization Slammed for Encouraging Skepticism

The Heartland Institute's distribution of its book "Climate at a Glance for Teachers and Students" to 8,000 school teachers was slammed by Susan Hassol, director of the Climate Communication group, for "encouraging students to be skeptical regarding claims made by those of us trying to save the planet from climate change. We have labored hard to establish the belief that we must take drastic actions now to avert disaster."

Hassol emphasized that "the kind of independent thought Heartland is fomenting infects our youngsters with a potentially fatal disbelief in our cause. Their 'keep an open mind' and 'demand evidence' memes unfairly exploit the fact that our evidence for an oncoming disaster seems invisible to the naked eye."

"The bigger picture is that skepticism destroys the unity needed to make our democracy work," Hassol added. "Screeds like this book are intended to destroy the people's faith in the government leaders who are fighting to save the Earth. It is another front in the battle that the insurrectionists are waging against the progressive heroes like Al Gore, George Soros, and President Biden who need all of us to support them and their efforts."

John Semmens


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